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BVN Stories, Events, News — September 23, 2024

New or renew? BVN at CTBUH 2024

The multi-award-winning Quay Quarter Tower shapes Sydney's skyline. Photo: Ethan Rohloff.

Excitement is running high for the 2024 Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat's international convention (CTBUH) taking place in London and Paris from 23-27 September.

This year’s conference unfolds through the theme of New or Renew – calling on the architecture, design and construction industry to sustainably address the density dilemma facing cities across the world.

Quay Quarter Tower rises through the clouds. Photo: Adam Mork.

BVN is well placed to contribute to the ‘new or renew’ debate having won 11 awards at CTBUH 2023 including the Future Projects Award of Excellence for Atlassian Central in Sydney (BVN & SHoP Architects), the Repositioning Award of Excellence for Queen & Collins Melbourne (BVN with KTA), Best Tall Building Oceania Award of Excellence for Greenland Centre (BVN with Woods Bagot) and eight awards for Quay Quarter (3XN with BVN).

Revitalising buildings, regenerating urban habitats and championing renewables are close to our heart. They underpin three of our core tenets: Radical Adaptation, Neighbourhood Making and Towards Net Positive.

City shaping is about far more than tall towers, it’s about enhancing the environment – for people, habitat and our future.

Catherine Skinner, Principal

If you're heading to CTBUH 2024, you’ll hear presentations from Principals Catherine Skinner, Matthew Blair, Phillip Rossington and Peter Titmuss. And, stop by our stand in the Barbican Centre to meet Strategy Director Esme Banks Marr and others from our UK studio.

As well as retaining, restoring and reimagining one of Sydney's most notable Brutalist buildings, we carefully stitched Sirius back into The Rocks. Video: Bryn Donkersloot

On Tuesday 24 September at 11:30am, Phillip and Peter join forces to present Retain, Restore, Reimagine: (the inspiring story of) The Sirius Building as part of A Sustainable Approach to Tall Buildings in Oceania in Track H.

Sirius began life as one of Sydney’s Brutalist icons, and then, through political quandary and demolition threats, became a case study for the multi-faceted value of reuse. This session explores the magnitude of the heritage preservation, structural reinforcement and sensitive contemporary additions that invigorate the building while stitching it back into the urban neighbourhood of The Rocks.

Atlassian Rooftop workplace community
Atlassian Central (BVN SHoP Architects) is currently in construction. Nature and nurture combine in neighbourhood-making design.

Then on Wednesday 25 September from 9.00am (GMT), Catherine and Matthew are presenting A Story of Reinvention: Three Buildings in Track F as part of the session Transforming Cities, Driving Sustainability and Connectivity.

Significant infrastructure projects, new commercial spaces and tall buildings have invigorated Sydney’s CBD since the 2000 Olympics. In their talk, Matthew and Catherine explore three projects integral to the city’s transformation: Quay Quarter, Greenland Centre and Atlassian Central. Discover how these developments improve connectivity and accessibility, creating a more vibrant and sustainable urban landscape.

Sensitive additions harmonise old and new at Sirius. Photos: Byrn Donkersloot

Sirius is an inspiring story of survival and adaptation.

Greenland Centre: BVN with Woods Bagot. Photo: Tom Roe.

BVN is a Gold Sponsor of CTBUH 2024.

Find out more about our award-winning projects, skyline shapers and precinct renewal developments.

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