News — April 3, 2018
Art program on Southbank Boulevard

Prominent local Melbourne Artist, Ash Keating was commissioned to complete a 10-metre long, 3.5-metre high art piece to feature in the building’s lobby space at 2 Southbank Boulevard, Melbourne. Ash is part of greater art program that BVN is curating inside the Southbank building.
The concept for the art programme was to employ art as an architectural element within the space, and to use the artworks as a means of connecting people within the building. Ash’s piece in the lobby is an anchor to this concept and the work of emerging artists will be deployed throughout the space as a means of creating ‘sticky’ points in the building.
‘Previously, there was a long concierge desk in the centre of lobby, the most visible element upon entry, which acted as a barrier and consequently communication felt very transactional,’ Practice Director Sally Campbell explains: ‘Everyone involved wanted to tip the idea of a commercial lobby on its head and create a more human-centric hosted environment, likened to the experience of a hotel.’
The long counter was removed and replaced with a roaming concierge. In its place an 11-metre long café was created with an opportunity for a large placemaking piece of art overhead. This is Ash’s bright and engaging piece; it sets the atmosphere and tone for the building.

‘We specifically identified Ash as someone we would be interested in working with as we felt the energy of his work was strategic in achieving the objectives of the interior architecture,’ Sally says. ‘We invited Ash into the space then briefed him to pursue what he was most curious about’.
‘Ash came and looked at the space and realised there was a coolness in the tones of the surrounding precinct and identified the need for warmth. He was very conscious of creating a contextually cohesive environment.
‘It will take sustained design thinking to continually curate the space to respond to the evolving building users. You can’t build it and leave it. The concept behind the implementation of art as architecture is that it evolves and delivers fresh user experiences.
In addition to Ash’s piece, there is a large digital wall that will change through the commissioning of local and well-known artists. Local lighting designer, Mark Douglas has also been invited to create a sculptural lighting installation.
The project will be completed in June 2018.
Here's where to find more of Ash Keating's work: Instagram: @ash\_keating