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March 25, 2025

Product Aware: Championing sustainability through the power of specification.

Australian Architects Declare (AAD) is part of an international network of architectural practices committed to addressing the climate and biodiversity emergency. AAD provides support to its signatories, through events, sharing sustainable practices and coordinated response to issues.

For context, there are approximately 1200 Australian signatories to the Architects Declare movement and the main idea is to mobilise collective knowledge and action rather than continue individual efforts to fight the climate crisis.

In 2024, Brisbane launch event for Product Aware – an initiative of the Materials Working Group from Australian Architects Declare (AAD). The event was part of a roll out that has seen similar events hosted in Sydney, Melbourne and online.

Each launch event featured a demonstration of the Product Aware platform followed by a panel discussion between members of contributing practices: Bates Smart, BVN, Cox, and Susty Spec.

Product Aware recently hosted a lean-in session called Championing Sustainability through the Power of Specification, supported by the Australian Institute of Architects.

The session offered an introduction to Product Aware — a free Australian platform that helps architects and designers make informed choices by providing easy access to comprehensive sustainability data for building products, along with comparison tools

BVN is proud to have been a part of the Product Aware initiative since its inception, and the Materials Working Group extends thanks to all those involved including contributors from each participating firm, industry experts, proactive suppliers and facilitators who have collectively spearheaded this industry-wide conversation.

Product Aware is free to use, and access, but requires understanding and participation to increase positive impact.

Please reach out via for inquiries, or to lend your support.

For more, see the Product Aware website.

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